Pediatric rehabilitation “refueled” thanks to Speedway, CMNH

Sparrow Speedway racetrack tests kids' abilities while having fun

Published: Jan. 10, 2013

For many kids, Sparrow pediatric rehabilitation therapy is a home away from home, and thanks to the generosity of Speedway LLC and its customers, a tune-up to the facility just passed the checkered flag.

The first in a three-phase renovation project was an overhaul to the rehabilitation gym. Even the hallways were redecorated to incorporate Speedway "race tracks," with roadwork patterns on the floors doing double service as clinical assessment tools measuring kids' mobility and function while throwing or running.

Sparrow is directing the local Children's Miracle Network Hospitals donations from Speedway for 2012 and 2013 to the Pediatric Rehabilitation unit. The funds will cover a significant portion of the total projected cost of $300,000 for the three-phase renovation. As the region's Children's Miracle Network Hospital, Sparrow is able to provide families the most advanced technology and treatment options in pediatric and neonatal care.

"Many of our kids come to therapy for long periods of time, even years. We're thrilled to be able to take a bland, clinical environment and transform it into a much more kid-friendly space," said Nesha Hill, Sparrow Pediatric Rehabilitation Manager. "It has been a lot of fun finding ways to incorporate some of our testing into a Speedway theme that rightly recognizes their efforts in making this all happen."

The second and third phases of the renovation project are expected to be completed during 2013, and will include updated private treatment rooms, a redesigned waiting area, and construction of a new adolescent gym for teen Patients.

Before, during and after construction photos following the transformation can be found on Sparrow's Facebook page.