Search for Current Clinical Trials

Study Name Description Trial Category Trial SubCategory
S2209 This study is for frail-intermediately fit newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients. Your current lab values will be used to determine if you qualify for this study. This study compares different chemo regimens to determine the effectiveness of them. Cancer Multiple Myeloma
A031701 The purpose of this study is to compare standard or dose dense gemcitabine and cisplatin chemo. You must have been diagnosed with muscle invasive bladder cancer. Cancer Bladder
A031702 The purpose of this study is to look at the effectineness of cabozantinib combined with nivolumab and ipilimubmab. You must be diagnosed with a rare genitourinary tumor of the kidney, bladder, ureters or penis. Cancer Rare Genitourinary
A031902 The purpose of this study is to evaluate progression free survival and overall survival with the use of enzalutamide and rucaparib vs enzalutamide alone. You must be diagnosed with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. This must be your first treatment for your metastatic cancer. Cancer Metastatic Prostate
A081801 (sub study A151216) The purpose of this study is to compare disease free survival when adding immunotherapy to initial chemotherapy vs immunotherapy only in maintenance therapy. You must be diagnosed with stage 2 or stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Cancer Non-Small Cell Lung
A082002 The purpose of this study is to determine in SBRT (stereotactic body radiation therapy) improves survival in advanced stage NSCLC. You must be diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Cancer Non-Small Cell Lung
A212102 This is a study looking at determining effectiveness of a multicancer early dectection blood test. Participants are healthy subjects, those with a known cancer diagnosis, and those with high suspicion of cancer. Cancer All tumor types
EA2183 The purpose of this study is to determine if adding radiation to chemo is beneficial. You must be diagnosed with metastatic HER2 negative esophageal and gastric cancer. Cancer Esophageal
EA5182 This study is comparing Osimertinib and Bevacizumab vs Osimertinib alone as first-line treatment for patients with metastatic EGFR mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). You must be diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 NSCLC. Cancer Non-Small Cell Lung
EAA173 The purpose of this study is determine if dararumumab enhances the effectiveness of revlimid in patients with smoldering myeloma. You must be diagnosed with asymptomatic high risk smoldering multiple myeloma. Cancer Smoldering Myeloma
EAA181 The purpose of this study is to determine what consolidation regimen is most effective. Patients cannot get stem cell transplant until first relapse or later. You must have newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). Cancer Multiple Myeloma
EAY191 ComboMATCH The purpose of this study is to find targeted therapy for specific gene mutations in metastatic or advanced cancer. You must have progressed on standard of care treatment or have a cancer which has no standard of care treatment. If select mutations are found you may be eligible for a sub-study. Cancer Genomics
EAY191-A6 ComboMATCH The purpose of this study is to see if adding Binimetinib in combination with FOLFOX is more effective treatment. You must be diagnosed with biliary tract cancer with a MAPK pathway gene mutation. Cancer Biliary
EAY191-E4 ComboMATCH The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of nilotinib and paclitaxel in patients with prior taxane treated solid tumors. You must have had at least one prior line of therapy in the metastatic setting. Cancer Solid Tumors
EAY191-N2 ComboMATCH This study is for people diagnosed with hormone receptor positive breast cancer that has spread. A NF1 gene mutation must exist. Cancer Metastatic Breast
EAY191-N4 The purpose of this study is to compare Selumetinib and Olaparib vs Selumetinib alone. You must be diagnosed with recurrent or persisent Ovarian or Endometiral cancer. Your cancer must have a RAS pathway mutation. Cancer Ovarian & Endometrial
EAY191-S3 ComboMATCH The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Paclitaxel and Ipatasertib in patients who progressed within 6 months of taxane-based therapy. You must have a a AKT-Altered cancer. You must have a locally advanced, unresectable or metastatic cancer. Cancer Solid Tumors (non-breast)
ISPY 2 This study uses the type of breast cancer you are diagnosed with to determine what treatment you are given. You must be diagnosed with stage 2 or stage 3 breast cancer. This study requires regular MRI's. Cancer Breast
NRG-GI008 The purpose of this study to use blood draws looking at the tumor DNA in the blood to determine need for chemotherapy. You must be diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. Cancer Colon
NRG-GU009 The purpose of this study is to determine if it is effective to use your genomic risk to determine the level of treatment you need. Those with a lower genomic risk get a de-intensified treatment and those with a higher risk get a intensified treatment. You must be diagnosed with high-risk prostate cancer. Cancer Prostate
NRG-GU010 The purpose of this study is to determine if it is effective to use your genomic risk to determine the level of treatment you need. Those with a lower genomic risk get a de-intensified treatment and those with a higher risk get a intensified treatment. You must be diagnosed with unfavorable intermediate risk prostate cancer. Cancer Prostate
NRG-LU008 The purpose of this study is to compare chemo and radiation followed by immunotherapy vs SBRT (stereotactic body radiation therapy) to primary tumor follwed by chemo and radiation then immunotherapy. You must be diagnosed with Stage 2 or 3 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Cancer Non-Small Cell Lung
S1922 The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Ramucirumab and Paclitaxel vs Folfiri chemo. You must be diagnosed with metastatic or unresectable small bowel cancer. Cancer Small Bowel
S2001 The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Olaparib + Prembrolizumab vs Olaparib alone. You must be diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Cancer Pancreatic
S2200 The purpose of this study is to compare treatment using cabozantinib with or without atezolizmab. You must be diagnosed with metastatic papillary renal cell cancer. Cancer Metastatic Renal Cell
S2212 The purpose of this study is to compare anthracycline-free, taxane-platinum chemo with pembrolizumab to taxane-platinum-anthracycline chemo with pembrolizumab. This study is for people diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. Cancer Breast
URCC 18007 A study see if Bupropion is effective for reducing cancer-related fatigue. You must have completed surgery, radiation and/or IV chemo at least 2 months prior to enrollment. Cancer All tumor types
A022101 The purpose of this study is to evaluate radiation, ablation and surgery. You must be diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer. The primary tumor must be able to surgically resected. Cancer Colorectal
A022102 The purpose of this study is to compare effectiveness of mFOLFIRINOX with or without nivolumab and mFOLFOX6 with or without nivolumab . You must have newly diagnosed metastatic HER2 negative gastroesophageal cancer. Cancer Esophageal
A022104 The purpose of this study is to look at the effectiveness of two chemo regimens mFOLFOX6 or CAPOX vs mFOLFIRINOX in getting patients to remission. You must be diagnosed with stage 2 or 3 rectal cancer. Cancer Rectal