Published: Dec. 17, 2013
Kinesiology and nutrition training come together with Amy Viselli, the newest addition to the Sparrow Michigan Athletic Club (MAC) fitness staff.
"You can't put low-grade gasoline into a high performance automotive engine and expect that the machine will work effectively and efficiently." That's the philosophy of Amy Viselli, the newest addition to the Sparrow Michigan Athletic Club (MAC) fitness staff.
"My passion is to educate and encourage lifestyle behaviors that improve overall health," Viselli says. "From my experience working in both clinical and community settings, I know how essential the combination of good nutrition and consistent exercise is to achieving good health."
At the MAC, Viselli will provide individual dietitian services, nutrition counseling, and hold free seminars for members on nutrition topics including Fueling Your Athlete, Healthy Holiday Nutrition, and Nutrition and Diabetes.
A four-year varsity letter winner on the Michigan State University women's diving team, Viselli knows firsthand what it means to fuel the body for performance. "Physical activity coupled with proper nutrition relieves stress, provides energy, heightens attentiveness, and boosts enthusiasm for life," Viselli says. "I am looking forward to the opportunity to provide nutrition guidance to interested members and to developing programs that will highlight nutrition counseling, as well as offering seminars and working with the Sparrow Be Well program."
Viselli, a registered dietitian, holds degrees in dietetics and kinesiology - with a health promotion specialization - from MSU. She completed her dietetic internship at Loyola University in Chicago and is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (previously known as the American Dietetic Association) and serves on the Michigan Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Conference Committee.