(from left) Sparrow Super Hero Luisa Romero, IT Service Support Specialist and EMR Training Coordinator; her nominator Chris Nemets, Director, iSparrow Clinical Services; Nesha Hill, Manager Pediatric Rehab Services, Sparrow Super Hero Jennifer Deibel, Pediatric Occupational Therapist; Shannon Cook, Secretary, Pediatric Rehab Services; and Sparrow Super Hero Amanda Richard, Respiratory Therapist . Unable to attend but on screen – Sparrow Super Hero David Lockman, Medical Physicist, Sparrow Cancer Center!
Published: Aug. 11, 2014
Caregivers filled the stands on Aug. 10 as the Lansing Lugnuts faced off against the West Michigan Whitecaps during the annual Sparrow Day at the Ballpark. In keeping with the Super Hero themed day, Sparrow had the opportunity to recognize our own Super Heroes, who were nominated by their peers for their extraordinary upbeat attitudes and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty.
Congratulations to Luisa Romero, IT Service Support Specialist and EMR Training Coordinator; Jennifer Deibel, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Pediatric Rehab; Amanda Richard, Respiratory Therapist, and David Lockman, Medical Physicist, Sparrow Cancer Center.
Find more photos from the day on our Facebook page.