Sparrow MAC Race Team takes on Lansing Marathon

Published: April 24, 2012

Congratulations to Sparrow MAC racers who completed both the half and full Lansing Marathons. They had a great time despite the bitter morning cold and harsh winds that blew at them all day long.

MAC Lansing Marathon Race Team

Names and times from left to right:

  • Janet TenHove - Half Marathon - finish time = 2.45 - MAC Massage Therapist
  • Emily Prevo - Half Marathon - finish time = 2.09 - MAC Manager on Duty
  • Cheri Salazar - Half Marathon - finish time = 2.04 - Sparrow Nurse
  • Josh Bosma - Full Marathon -finish time = 3.55 - MAC Manager on Duty
  • Ricardo Salazar - Full Marathon - finish time = 4.04 - MAC Member
  • Lindsey Walker - Half Marathon - finish team = 2.10 - MAC Service Desk Representative
  • Nicole Brillantes - Half Marathon - finish time = 1.54 - MAC Membership Services Manage