Published: Feb. 16, 2017
IONIA, MI – Sparrow Ionia Hospital Caregivers went above and beyond in providing quality, compassionate care by financing a trip home to Mexico for a terminally ill Patient.
The extraordinary act of kindness earned Sparrow Ionia Oncology and Infusion Department Caregivers the “Traveling Trophy” from the hospital board in appreciation of their hard work and commitment to excellence.
The Caregivers raised $1,100 among themselves and community members when a 45-year-old cancer Patient – with little money and no family here -- decided against further treatment and let it be known she wanted to return to Mexico to enjoy her last weeks with her children.
Caregivers from the Specialty Infusion/Visiting Physicians Clinic took it upon themselves to raise the money and buy her a bus ticket, then sent additional cash to her for medical attention and medications when she returned home. The Sparrow Ionia Foundation also donated $100 for groceries for the trip and the Foundation Patient Care Fund paid for medication to get her to Mexico.
“The story may be bittersweet but it’s just one example of how the Infusion Clinic staff go above and beyond the call of duty for their Patients,” said Lisa Sinko, BSN, RN, Manager of the clinic.
The story is an example of the compassion that is a core value at Sparrow.
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