Sparrow and HGB working on closer affiliation

Published: Feb. 7, 2012

LANSING, Mich., and CHARLOTTE, Mich. - Sparrow Health System and Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital are working to develop a nonexclusive affiliation agreement that commits both organizations to jointly develop operational, clinical, and programmatic services.

The proposed affiliation would further the already strong collaboration between Sparrow and Hayes Green Beach and does not represent a merger or acquisition. The arrangement would be based on a shared philosophy of improving Patient care and delivering it as close to home as possible.

A memorandum of understanding has been signed by representatives of both organizations. A formal affiliation agreement is likely to be finalized in the spring.

"We are very pleased to take this first step toward an affiliation agreement," said Matt Rush, HGB President and Chief Executive Officer. "We value the relationship that already exists between the two organizations, and we expect to deepen the current programs and services we're working on together, and create new ones to further enhance the care provided for patients in our community."

The primary intent of the proposed arrangement would be to improve quality of care by fostering closer cooperation and forging greater clinical integration.

"We recognize Hayes Green Beach as a strong healthcare collaborator in our region," said Dennis Swan, President and CEO, Sparrow Health System. "Working more closely with them will afford greater opportunities to enhance care systems and produce great outcomes for Patients throughout the area."

Formal collaborative relationships are increasingly prevalent in the healthcare landscape. With the uncertainty of healthcare reform and the demands of ongoing economic challenges, the proposed affiliation will be designed to leverage the strength of each organization to better meet the needs of patients and physicians.

Key benefits will include coordinated quality-improvement initiatives, more effective care programs based on patient-centered evidence-based best practices, improved cost efficiencies, and joint initiatives designed to create positive and memorable patient experiences.

The affiliation arrangement's intent is to respect and continue all current established relationships in order that the overall mission of service to the community remains paramount.

Sparrow Contact: John Berg 517.360.3627 (Media Pager)

Hayes Green Beach Contact: Darice Darling 517.543.1050, ext. 1206