Sparrow 2014 Annual Report highlights growth and new partnerships

Published: Dec. 21, 2015

Sparrow is proud to unveil its Annual Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 2014, highlighting a year of tremendous change and achievement at Sparrow as mid-Michigan’s premier health care organization. These successes are a direct reflection of the trust others have in us and the outstanding people who are Sparrow.

The Annual Report is now available to view at The site includes a video featuring many exciting changes from the past year and we encourage you to view it. We’ve grown new facilities, expanded our services, and built new partnerships as we work to improve the health of the people we serve throughout the mid-Michigan region.

The Annual Report also showcases the numerous achievements of our Caregivers and includes the Sparrow Foundation Annual Report and the Nursing Annual Report. It is the teamwork and performance excellence of our Physicians, Nurses, Caregivers and Volunteers that enables us to fulfill our Mission, Vision and Values.

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