Oncology Nurse recognized with the March DAISY Award

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Published: March 20, 2014

Jamie Gothberg, BSN, RN, OCN, from 5W is always giving 100 percent to her Patients, but giving even more than that earned her recognition as Sparrow's DAISY Award winner for March.

When a Patient in the Inpatient Medical Oncology Unit whose health was deteriorating wanted to see her son graduate from high school, Jamie organized a graduation ceremony to take place at her bedside - complete with decorations, cake, family, friends and the school's principal.

Jamie was recognized with the DAISY Award for going the extra mile to bring joy to this family, and was surprised with the award at work yesterday.

DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System, and the DAISY Award is a national program created in memory of J. Patrick Barnes died in 1999 of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura, or ITP at 33 years old. His family was overwhelmed by the skillful and amazingly compassionate Nurses that cared for Pat, and the DAISY Foundation and Award were created as an expression of their gratitude.

The DAISY Award is a way to recognize and make visible the contribution and value of Nurses wherever nursing is practiced.

Jamie received a certificate, a DAISY pin to wear at work and beautiful serpentine stone sculpture carved by the artists of the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe. The sculpture depicts the embracing relationship Nurses have with their Patients.