Published: June 4, 2014
Mid-Michigan's Dapper Dads are ready to strut their stuff on the runway to support women's health at Kositchek's on Thursday, June 5.
The event ends the annual Dapper Dads Challenge in which mid-Michigan business leaders and professionals raise funds to support local women's health initiatives through the Sparrow Foundation's Women Working Wonders (W3) committee. The top Dapper Dad will be crowned on the Exclusive Auto-Owner's Runway during the Fashion Show.
The challenge is in its fifth year and has raised more than $500,000 for the physical and psychological health of women in mid-Michigan.
Voting is open until 5 p.m. Wednesday so it's not too late to cast your vote for your favorite Dapper Dad at SparrowFoundation.org/DapperDads. The top 13 Dapper Dads will all be featured in the 2015 Dapper Dads calendar.