Published: Oct. 5, 2015
Stella Cash, Sparrow’s Vice President of Development and Strategic Partnerships, will receive the 2015 Spartan Hero Award from the Mid-Michigan Spartans Alumni Club in recognition of the outstanding contributions she has made to Michigan State University.
The award will be presented at the eighth annual Spartan Crystal Ball Green Carpet Gala Friday, Oct. 9 at 6 p.m. at the Huntington Club in Spartan Stadium.
In addition to her primary role at Sparrow, Cash serves on the Sparrow Foundation Board of Directors and has held numerous offices for many state and national organizations. She retired from MSU in 2010 after a 35-year career as Director of Dietetics in the Department of Food Science and as Interim Vice President of Alumni Engagement. Cash is an outstanding example of Sparrow’s service to the mid-Michigan region and our strong partnership with MSU.
“When we came to MSU, MSU gave us the environment in which to succeed. Then to be asked to come to Sparrow in a totally new environment showed me the faith that people have in me, and for that I am truly grateful,” said Cash. “It has allowed me and my husband of 53 years, Dr. Jerry Cash, to help ensure our community has the best that it needs in every way possible.”
Presented annually since 2012, the Spartan Hero Award honors those who have made significant contributions, including volunteer efforts and financial support, to MSU and the Mid-Michigan Spartans Alumni Club. The Mid-Michigan chapter is the regional club of the national MSU Alumni Association for alumni and friends of Michigan State University living in Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties.
“The distinguishing characteristic is the recognition of the whole set of diverse contributions the candidate has made to the Spartan Nation and to society in general,” said Carole Lick, MSU Trustee Emeritus and a Mid-Michigan Spartans member who serves on the Spartan Crystal Ball Committee.
The Spartan Crystal Ball benefits endowed scholarships that support MSU students from the mid-Michigan region. Tickets are available at MidMichiganSpartans.com.