Published: Nov. 9, 2015
Barnes & Noble customers can help make the holidays a little brighter this year for pediatric Patients at Sparrow Children’s Center by donating a book.
Now through the end of the year, customers will see the Holiday Book Drive for Sparrow display at Barnes & Noble, Lansing Mall, 5132 W. Saginaw Highway, Lansing.
To donate a book:
1. At checkout, tell the cashier you would like to donate to the Holiday Book Drive.
2. Choose any book in the store or ask to have a book selected for you.
3. Barnes & Noble will deliver your gift to the Sparrow Children’s Center, which will distribute the books to young Patients throughout the pediatric areas of the hospital.
The Barnes & Noble Holiday Book Drive has been an annual tradition of the nationwide bookseller for more than 20 years to collect and donate books to local children’s service charities.
For more than a century, Sparrow has been a leader in caring for children. The first hospital in mid-Michigan to offer a dedicated children's unit, Sparrow today is home to the region's only full-service pediatric emergency department. As the region's Children's Miracle Network Hospital, Sparrow is able to provide families the most advanced technology and treatment options in pediatric and neonatal care.